The Illuminate Podcast Episode Archive

Episode 24: Judge Sarah Evans Barker- US District Court Judge

Imagine being the first woman or man in your profession, ever! And then imagine you were appointed to that position by the President of the United States! No pressure, right? That’s the story of Judge Sarah Evans Barker. Judge Barker was the first female to be appointment U.S. District Court Judge. She was appointed by … more »

Episode 23: Kari Moore – Welcoming Refugees

Kari Moore is the Director of Self Sufficiency at Exodus Refugee Immigration in Indianapolis. She oversees  education, employment, and youth programs. In this episode Kari talks about what it looks like for individuals to resettle here in America and how we can help welcome them here. We also talk about how we can teach our … more »

Episode 22: Molly Cantrell-Kraig – Building Resilience

Molly Cantrell-Kraig has an extraordinary story going from a single young mother of three living on welfare to not only surviving, but thriving and showing resilience. In this episode, Molly brings wisdom around resilience, emotional intelligence and mindfulness. You will leave this episode with new ideas, words to live by and a few habits to … more »

Episode 21: Dominique Smith – Restorative Practices in Education

Dominique Smith is the director of student services at Health Sciences High & Middle College, where he also serves as a culture builder and student advocate. He is also social worker, school administrator, mentor, national trainer for the International Institute on Restorative Practices, and member of ASCD’s FIT Teaching® (Framework for Intentional and Targeted Teaching®) Cadre. … more »

Episode 20: Pantsuit Politics with Sarah and Beth-Grace Filled Political Conversations

This week we are talking to Sarah Stewart Holland and Beth Silvers, hosts of podcasts Pantsuit Politics and The Nuanced Life and authors of I Think You’re Wrong but I’m Listening: A Guide to Grace Filled Political Conversations. We talk about how to have grace-filled political conversations and why it’s really so important to continue … more »


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