Episode 79: Amy Arnold and Jessica Stanley – Connection and Friendship

Amy Arnold and Jessica Stanley are my guests today. They founded the company, Card My Yard. They founded the business with the simple goal of serving families and making a positive impact in the community with their small business. Over the past several years, they have turned this into a major franchise. They have over … more »

Episode 64: Amanda Knapp; Sitting Made Simple

Amanda Knapp is the founder and CEO of Sitting Made Simple. Amanda started her career as a nanny right out of high school in 1999. Over time, as her nanny career evolved and changed and she moved, she lived in Columbus, Ohio and realized that there was a huge need for childcare. That is where … more »

Episode 110: Becca Stevens – Love Heals

Becca Stevens is an author, speaker, priest, social entrepreneur, and mom of three boys. After experiencing the death of her father and subsequent child abuse when she was five, Becca opened a residential community, which offers women survivors of trafficking, prostitution, and addiction the time, space home and community they need to heal. She founded … more »


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