Episode 237: Anna Turner, Sports Dietitian with Defining Sports

Anna Turner, Sports Dietitian with St. Vincent Sports Performance returns the podcast! Make sure you go back and listen to my first conversation with Anna – Episode 218! This time we take listener questions and Anna gives us great information on intuitive eating and how we can listen to our bodies to know how much fueling and refueling we should be doing.

Some other topics we discuss are intermittent fasting, fueling while breastfeeding, getting your iron checked and more. Anna is currently in the middle of a Nutrition for Runner’s Course and has another one coming up this May. Make sure you check it out and see if it’s something you may be interested in taking.

Show Notes: 

Runner’s Nutrition Course

St. Vincent Sports Performance

Anna on Instagram

Lindsey on Instagram

The post Episode 237: Anna Turner, Sports Dietitian with Defining Sports appeared first on Lindsey Hein.


Episode 582: James McKirdy – Founder and Coach of McKirdy Trained

I’m so glad you’re here today for another episode in our coaching series, brought to you by V.O2. Today’s guest is James McKirdy, the founder of McKirdy Trained, one of the largest coaching businesses in the United States. James has built an incredible coaching collective made up of compassionate and knowledgeable coaches, each with years … more »



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