Episode 139: Helmi Ansari – Choices that determine the course of our lives

Helmi Ansari and his business Grosche International are changing the World through business. Groshe is a brand built with the purpose to raise money to fund clean water projects. This business grew from the laundry room, to the living room, garage and now on to their 8th warehouse expansion. 

After being on the trajectory of living the corporate dream he was challenged to talk on a new sustainability project at work and a couple of years later his family had a life changing experience when they almost loosing his 10 month of daughter. This changed how he looked at everything he was doing in his life.

Moments of sparks where we make certain choices that determine the course of the rest of our lives. From a small start up in his laundry room, Grosche is now a leading BCORP organization committed to sustainability, paying employees fair wages AND providing clean water to those in need.

Show Notes:

Grosche International

The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People – Steven Covey

Start with Why – Simon Sinek

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