Episode 134 – Music Therapy 101 & How We Can Utilize the Power of Music with Kourtney Tigner

Have you heard of the benefits of music therapy or just interested in listening to an inspiring story? This episode features Kourtney Tigner, a board-certified music therapist who most recently worked for Hospice Savannah. Kourtney finds her passion in providing comfort and compassion to those facing end-of-life issues and their families through music.

In this episode, we talk about her journey to music therapy, defining the job, what it looks like, and how everyone can benefit from this field. 

A rebroadcast from @DrEmmyB music pod, “Music (ed) Matters.” 

Read more about Ms Tigner: https://www.hospicesavannah.org/what-services-are-available/hospice-care/music-massage-story-keeping/

Other links and things from this episode: 



Hospice and Palliative Care Music Therapy by Russell Hilliard: https://www.amazon.com/Hospice-Palliative-Care-Music-Therapy/dp/0977027813

Dying Well: Peace and Possibilities by Ira Byock: https://www.amazon.com/Dying-Well-Peace-Possibilities-Life/dp/1573226572


Episode 582: James McKirdy – Founder and Coach of McKirdy Trained

I’m so glad you’re here today for another episode in our coaching series, brought to you by V.O2. Today’s guest is James McKirdy, the founder of McKirdy Trained, one of the largest coaching businesses in the United States. James has built an incredible coaching collective made up of compassionate and knowledgeable coaches, each with years … more »



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