Episode 110: Becca Stevens – Love Heals

Becca Stevens is an author, speaker, priest, social entrepreneur, and mom of three boys. After experiencing the death of her father and subsequent child abuse when she was five, Becca opened a residential community, which offers women survivors of trafficking, prostitution, and addiction the time, space home and community they need to heal. She founded Thistle Farms, which is a social enterprise employing women survivors. Thistle Farms is also a great place if you are looking for some Christmas gift ideas!

Becca Stevens’ is a leader in the movement for women’s freedom. She was also a CNN Hero in 2016. Becca’s message and work teach about how love and community have the power to heal and that there is hope for everyone.

This episode is hosted by: Kristin Srour

Show Notes:

Follow Becca:

Website: Becca Stevens

Instagram: @beccastevens

Follow Thistle Farms:

Website: Thistle Farms

Instagram: @thistlefarms

Snake Oil: The Art of Healing and Truth-Telling by Becca Stevens

Love Heals by Becca Stevens

Marcus Hummon

Song: Love Heals with Alison Krauss and Levi Hummon

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Episode 582: James McKirdy – Founder and Coach of McKirdy Trained

I’m so glad you’re here today for another episode in our coaching series, brought to you by V.O2. Today’s guest is James McKirdy, the founder of McKirdy Trained, one of the largest coaching businesses in the United States. James has built an incredible coaching collective made up of compassionate and knowledgeable coaches, each with years … more »



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