Episode 109: Katherine Furman – Taking the Time to Appreciate Yourself

Katherine Furman is a writer and editor. She co-founded Tandem Books, a publishing studio, where she was the editorial director. She has recently moved away from that space to focus more on writing and is currently writing a novel. She has published several journals, including The Gratitude Journal for Women and Progress Not Perfection.

In this episode, we talk about her journey as an entrepreneur, how she switched career trajectories to become an editor, pursuing her dreams and focusing more on her own writing, tips for starting a gratitude practice, and so much more!

This episode is hosted by Emma Benner

This episode was sponsored by Quip. Get your first refill free when you go to getquip.com/illuminate

What we talked about:

2:30- Introduction the Katherine

7:00- Why she decided to pursue a career as an editor

12:00- Starting her own business, Tandem Books

24:15- Tips for anyone wanting to start a business

28:40- The Gratitude Journal for Women and the importance of starting a gratitude practice

35:05- Progress Not Perfection

38:20- Goals that Katherine is working towards

43:20- Where you can find Katherine’s work

44:30- End of podcast questions

Show notes:

Katherine’s website

The Gratitude Journal for Women

Unsheltered by Barabara Kingsolver

The Popcorn Park Zoo

You’re Wrong About Podcast

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Episode 582: James McKirdy – Founder and Coach of McKirdy Trained

I’m so glad you’re here today for another episode in our coaching series, brought to you by V.O2. Today’s guest is James McKirdy, the founder of McKirdy Trained, one of the largest coaching businesses in the United States. James has built an incredible coaching collective made up of compassionate and knowledgeable coaches, each with years … more »



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