Episode 18: Lisa Graft – Unmet expectations and identity outside of Motherhood

Lisa Graft is a beautiful soul who will encourage you to be exactly who YOU were created to be unapologetically. I knew when I sat down with Lisa that I would leave the conversation filled up with energy to pursue motherhood the way I was meant to. We all have different skills and passions and are wired totally different and there is no room in our hearts and minds for comparing ourselves to any other parent who you might consider to be a “supermom” or dad.

We also talk about making sure we are continuing to pursue our passion and identity outside of motherhood which feels really important considering one day all of these kids are going to be out of the house and we’re going to need to know what we love outside of mothering or fathering them.

I hope you enjoy this conversation with Lisa as much as I did. Know that my life is different than yours and Lisa’s life is different with mine and yours and we all have our own stuff. In this episode Lisa and I light heartedly talk about some of the mundane “hard” and some of the “hard” hard.

What we talked about:

4:25- Introduction to Lisa Graft

9:40- Unmet expectations after childbirth and Lisa’s experience postpartum

15:15- Lisa’s experience with pre-partum depression

18:15- What Mother of the Year is

26:35- Guilt that may come up as a parent

35:20- Finding interests and passions outside of parenting and carving out time for yourself

38:30- Being open to ask for help

39:25- Finding those extra pockets of time in your schedule to do things that you enjoy

43:35- The community that Lisa is building and exciting things that she has coming up

48:20- End of podcast questions

Show Notes:

Lisa’s Website

I am Mother of the Year Podcast

I am Mother of the Year Facebook Group

Loving our Kids on Purpose – Danny Silk

Dear Boy – Paris Rosenthal

Dear Girl – Paris Rosenthal

Wherever you Go my Love will Find You – Nancy Tillman

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