Episode 12: Bryce Reddy – Temper Tools for Parents

Bryce Reddy is a licensed mental health counselor specializing in maternal mental health. She joins us today to talk about triggers, anger management in parenthood and so much more!

In this episode we talk about coming into parenthood after loss, managing the newborn years and paying attention to our own triggers as parents so that we can ultimately have a more calm, happy home.

Make sure you check out her instagram page for so many great tools she provides for us parents!

What we talked about:

3:05- How Bryce got started in the work of being a therapist for moms

7:25- How her infertility journey lead to her being passionate about the work that she is doing

9:30- The transition to becoming a stay at home mom and how that can affect people differently

10:35- The guilt that you can feel after dealing with infertility and then having children and still having struggles emotionally with motherhood

11:55- The steps that she has to help mothers walk through the emotions that they feel after having a child

13:50- How she came up with the name Mom Brain Therapist

14:55- The transition from working in a private practice to working completely online in her current work

16:15- The mini course that she has about temper

18:45- Triggers that parents have and how to work through them

32:50- How different times of the year, week, or day can cause extra sensitivity and working through those feelings

38:30- The importance of modeling behaviors to our kids

41:30- The mindset that we can always reset and start over

45:00- The importance of how we respond to our kids and when to address bad behaviors

53:20- End of podcast questions

Show Notes: 

Temper Tool for Parents Mini Course

The Bright Hour – Nina Riggs

Kids Books Suggestion:

Strictly no Elephants 

Giraffes Can’t Dance

Connect with Bryce:

Bryce on Instagram

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