Episode 4: Katy Allan – Savoring the Flavoring: Fun Recipe & Cooking Tips

Katy Allan is the woman behind Savoring the Flavoring  She is the mother of three boys and makes a dinner I wish I could be a part of every night. She is a writer, food blogger and loves cooking everything homemade. Her Mission: “to make the Standard American Diet a little less SAD, one home-cooked, real-food recipe at a time.”
In this episode Katie shares about her passion for food and schools me on some cooking basics like why I should use avocado oil instead of olive oil for certain things (which was super helpful because I get lazy and just use olive oil for everything!) We also talk about not being afraid of fat and salt and Katie shares a couple of amazing recipes as well as some simple meal planning ideas.
My question for you all- anyone else hide the expensive almond butter from the rest of their family?!
What we talked about:

3:30- Katy Allan introduces herself and talks about her current school setup for her kids

7:30-How Katy started her Instagram and Blog Savoring the Flavoring

11:25- Why she was living in California when her kids were born and then moving to Georgia

14:10- How her and her husband met

20:25- Her relationship with food and the mindset she hopes to pass on to her family

25:45- A delicious salad dressing that she made

29:28- Why everyone should be shopping at their local farmers market

36:15- Her best fried green tomato recipe

44:20- Meal planning tips for everyone

52:40- End of podcast questions

Show Notes: 

Salad Dressing Recipe:

Pecon Butter
Squeeze of lemon
Sea salt
The Best Fried Green Tomato:
Cut Half inch Thick
Pork Panko
Dredge them lightly in cassava flour or any flour on both sides (creates a glue)
Dip into a beaten egg
Dip in pork panko or whatever crumbs you want to use
What Katy is Reading:
What I’m Reading:


Episode 582: James McKirdy – Founder and Coach of McKirdy Trained

I’m so glad you’re here today for another episode in our coaching series, brought to you by V.O2. Today’s guest is James McKirdy, the founder of McKirdy Trained, one of the largest coaching businesses in the United States. James has built an incredible coaching collective made up of compassionate and knowledgeable coaches, each with years … more »



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