Episode 34: Colleen Stine- Creating a Legacy of Kindness

This week we are talking to Colleen Stine. Colleen is the co-owner of EVERYKIND, a t-shirt shop aimed at spreading a message of kindness to kids and adults, mom to 5 kids and one of the most positive people I’ve met through the midst of some pretty awful life circumstances. We talk a lot about starting her business with her online friend and business partner, the mission and passion behind her business, and she shares the tragic story of her sister’s death and how Colleen and her husband have stepped in to raise her sister’s kids along with 3 of her own. I hope that Colleen’s life experiences, her outlook on life and her passion for her business encourage you to look on the bright side, even when that seems so difficult to do.

Hosted By Emily Reddington



Episode 582: James McKirdy – Founder and Coach of McKirdy Trained

I’m so glad you’re here today for another episode in our coaching series, brought to you by V.O2. Today’s guest is James McKirdy, the founder of McKirdy Trained, one of the largest coaching businesses in the United States. James has built an incredible coaching collective made up of compassionate and knowledgeable coaches, each with years … more »



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